Wednesday, April 8, 2009

St journal 8

"Boring? 'Creators' aim to engineer a cool image" by Nur Dianah Suhaimi

Q1a. According to Mr Pang, what can schools do to make lessons like Physics and Mathematics more interesting to students and relevant to engineering as a carrer?

He suggests that before class, teachers and lectures make the lesson come alive by explaining how it is applied: " Show them what they like. Fast cars, animation, explosion. Students need to know how cool engineering can be."

Q1b. According to MP Ms Lee Bee Wah, what will happen to society if there are no engineers?

Ms Lee said it is crucial hat Sinagpore increase its pool of engineers. She said: "Without engineers, there would not be technological progress and advancements. Not only do we need to attract more students to study engineering, but we also need to attract the brightest ones. Otherwise, our society's progress will be done with."

Q2. Do you think that 'Creators' will succeed in their mission? Why? Why not? Explain giving your reasons.

I think that it would depend on how each school teaches Physics and Mathematics to their students. Like what Mr Pang said, students find Physics and Mathematics boring and they are even wondering what they doing in the lessons anyway. Maybe, by heading his advice, more students might start to like Physics and Mathematics and then slowly attracted to engineering as well. And well, engineering is a job that can let one earn big money next time, so using this point, people might consider it as one of their future job.

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