Wednesday, February 11, 2009

St Journal 2

Article: “Sharp rise in girls under 16 having sex” – Home Section
Question 1 · What are some consequences which a girl might face for engaging in casual sex?

The consequences a girl might face are :
- The girl might get pregnant because they have sex.
- The girl might get Sexual Transmitted Diseases from the sex parthner she got.
- The girl is very difficult to get pregnant , if she went to do a abortion.
- She is also very difficult to find a good marriage.

Question 2:
What are some of your reactions after reading this article? If one day, a close friend of yours confess to you that he/she has been engaging in sex, what would your advice to him/her be?

I am shock after reading the article. If it is older woman that do that, i wont be surprised. But a under 16 girl is doing this and I am very shock about this article. If one day, a close friend of mine confess the he/she has been engaging in sex. I would tell he/she that they should stop very act, as this is illegal. the boy will be arrest by the police if the police find out. I will tell the girl, that if you continue doing this. You will get pregnant, if you go for abortion, you will have slimmer chance to get pregnant in the future. If they still do not listen, I have no choice but to reaveal it. i rather reaveal it than to do anything that is worng or illegal.

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