Friday, February 20, 2009

St Journal 3

Article: " Ink corporated"
Question 1 - What are some reasons stated in the article why some people choose to have body art like tattoos or piercings done on parts of their body?

- Some people wants to be different.
- They want to attract people attention.
- Some of them just want to follow the trend or maybe they are those type of person who are easily influence.

Question 2 - (a)What are some imppressions you would form of a person whose body is covered with tattoo?

I think I am not the only one I have this type of thinking. I will think that they are some gangster that are in secret society. I will think they have bad records. I will also avoid them when i see them because I do not want to get into trouble. If I am a boss of a company or a shop, I will not invte them as I do not trust them just because of their tattoos.

(b)Would you consider getting a tattoo in future? Why?

I will never consider to get a tattoo in future. People will look at me with a different impression as I am having a tattoo. I am not afraid no pain but will tattoo. When you want to have a proper job, it is also very difficult for you to find. As the company or shop boss will not trust you when he/she see your tattoo. So, I will never get a tattoo in future!

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