Friday, February 27, 2009

St Journal 4

Article "All in a day's work for men in blue." - 'HOME' Section (Pg B4)

Question 1 - What are some reasons stated in the article why some members of the public call the police for?
- They called the police because there is a snake.
- Complaining about noisy neighbours.
- Calls related to pipe leakages.
- Call because of medical emergenices

Question 2(a) - Do you see the job of a policeman as something easy or tough? Why?

I see the job of a policemen that is something tough. They need to stay overnight if there is some urgent matter reported by the public. When ever the headquater call, they need to put down all the thing they are doing and rush back to the police station. They need to risk their life if the criminals are armed. They must have a clear mind when doing their patroling. If they do any mistake, they need to do a report to his sir/madam. So i think it tough job being a policeman.

(b) - Would you consider becoming a policeman or policewoman in future?Why yes or why not?

I will not consider becoming a policeman in future. Being a policeman, I need to be a very alert person but I am not the sort of person. Policeman must have alot of discipline matter that i also do not have. The job of policeman also cannot earn alot of money. Being a policeman, you must be ready anytime to rush back to police station because sometime there some emergency cases.

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