Friday, March 6, 2009

St Journal 5

Article: “NTU Death Fall” – ‘HOME’ Section (Pg B6)

Question 1:
What were some indications which showed that the victim was facing problems before he committed the rash act?

The victim, a fan of the computer game World of Warcraft, spending as much as six hours a day huddled in front of his computer. He usually stopped playing when prepaing for exams or when project were due. He also adruply cut down all communication with his friends. He seems to be be trying to avoid all his problems by playing games.

Question 2: (a) Is it very stressful being a student in Singapore? Explain.

I think it stressful being a student in Singapore. There alot of scholar from other country to come and study in Singapore. We need to get better grade to get the scholarship. There alot of homework given by teachers. The exam standard also is getting higher and higher. So we need to study very hard for the coming exam. Parent also are giving us alot of stress because they want us to get very good garde. The economics also demand a higher education for the work. So we have to sudy very hard to get the work. This all really causes our stress.

(b) What are some problems you face as a student which adds to your stress level?

There are some problems that student mayb face. We will quarrel with friends and that will cause some stress as we will not be friend again. We also will have some money problem as parent gave us too little money. We need money for our friends birthday and for our pens and stationary. This are some problem that causes our stress level.

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