Wednesday, April 22, 2009

St Journal 10

Article: “I was an addict” – ‘Straits Times IN’ Section (In The Air Pg 2)

1a) What are some of the earliest signs mentioned in the article to indicate that a person is addicted to gaming?

The signs mentioned are skipping meals and going without sleep just to to play. Eventually, the temptation was to skip school and meals just so that they could spend all those percious hour gaming. They were calling by their avatar games. They will talk about game all the time and also begin to imagine things.

1b) State some of the methods listed by the author to overcome the addiction to gaming.

Some of the them method are they had to get their parent to lock up the computer. This take them three month to break the habit. Another method was to be more socialise more. Talking to thire friends in school about the hot guy who had just moved into my neighbour make a different.

2) What are some of your reactions after reading this article? If a close friend of yours confesses to you that he/she is addicted to online games, what would your advice to him/her be?

I would be shocked after reading the article as i felt there are more and more people got addicted to online games. I would tell them to stop use computer lesser if it is possible. I wiould ask them go out more to study and play if I am free. I would also tell them to join a cca so there will be lesser time for them to play computer. I would inform their parent about that. I will also adivse their parent to lock the computer with a password so they can limit their children form playing online games.

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