Friday, August 28, 2009

St Journal 7 (term 3)

Home Section page B6
Call us, helplines urge troubled teens

1a) List two reasons why teens are reluctant to call helplines despite the promise of anonymity and professional help.

- The teens, who are mostly students in secondary 3 and 4, revealed that they would rather not confide in strangers. They also think it is wimpy to call.

- Youth between 13 to 18 are at an age where the main objective is to look cool, and look experienced, wordly-wise, and unfazed by anything.

b) According to Ms Lily Chu, how does Touch Leadership and Mentoring prefer to help troubled teens?

According to Ms Lily Chu they prefer to help youths by a more direct , effective means , through programmes like workshops in schools , face to face counselling and home visits .

2) Have you confided in your friends or family members about the problems you face in school/ life? Why or why not?

I have confided in my parents of my family and close friends in schools about the propblems i face in school . It is because it is just like the newspaper mentioned those of our age would not ever confide in those that are not really close to us as we have no relationship with them and do not find the needs to talk to them . So hotlines offered by those counselling programmes teenagers like us would not use the contacts listed or provided by them .

Have you been betrayed by your friends before? If yes, how? (You may change the names of the people involved for privacy)

I have been betrayed before. After this experience, i do not dare to tell other my secret anymore. This really explains once bitten twice shy.

Friday, August 21, 2009

St Journal 6 (term 3)

Home Section page B3

1a) What are the 4 rules for religious harmony?

The 4 rules are all groups have to exercise tolerance and restraints , keep religion seperate from politics , government must remain secular , maintain the common space that all singaporeans share.

b) In your opinion, how can we maintain a common space in schools?We could have more activities that concern the different culture and religion like have a racial day at the end of every week . Test on these question and those who got correct get prizes to the winners,activites and community involvement projects which help all ethnic groups open a space of communcation to bring about special relationship and frinedships .This will bring the races together and make them feel united.

2) Do you respect other religions? Why or why not? What do you think of children who stay away from their parents' funerals because they believe the traditional rites are against their new religion?

I do respect other religions , as we together must fight against the terrorist that might cause danger to Singapore so we must stay united together if not racial riots will occurs. I do not think that this will be accepeted as their own parents are those who feed them from small to big and now they are ungrateful to their own parents even if they have a different religion that does not allow they will have to pray respect to their own parents they will have to break the rules to pray to their parent.

Friday, August 14, 2009

St Journal 5 (term 3)

Home Section Page 1

1a) What was the reason for building the platform doors at the MRT stations?

It was to prevent the passengers to fall off the platforms and being hit by the incoming trains. This type of incidents have gone up over the years. An average of 16 casese a year in 2004 and 2005 to 31 in 2007. Last year, there were 23 cases of commuters straying onto the tracks. Six of that were due to accidental loss of balance.

b) Which other countries already have such doors installed at train stations?

Tapei and Paris.

2) What is your opinion of commuters on trains who disregard the rules (no eating/drinking, give up seats for the elderly/ the disabled/ pregnant women etc.) on the train?

I think that very disgraceful of the commuters act. I think they should follow the rule as the have given it. If they spill their food or drink on the train, they will bring inconvient to the other passengers. They should give up seats for the elderly also. If in the future you are old, you also will hope other passengers will give up sit to you. This goes without saying to the pregnant woman, as they could not stand too long. If everyone follow the rule, there will not be any problem for other passengers.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

St Journal 4 (term 3)

Article: “Government acts to curb younger smokers” (Pg A1 & A4)

1)What are some measures by the government to curb smoking?

Some of the measures are to increase the fines for underage smoking , giving ban on the certain sales of tobacco and also barring some places from selling them , lower the rate of permitted nicotine and tar allowed in the cigarettes.
The maximum level of tar and nicotine yield limits allowed in cigarettes will be lowered to protect those exposed to cigarette emissions.
Fines imposed on such smokers thereafter will go up from $300 to $500.

2)How successful do you think these measures would be?Support your answer with reasons.

I don't think it will this measure will be very effective because firstly, alot of smokers do not have the determination to quit smoking. The rise in price in ciggarettes will somehow not affect smokers because for smokers cigarettes is the thing they need everyday. But i think the fines to underaged smokers will work because underaged smokers do not have a large sum of money to pay their fines. However, I think that the measures to prevent smokers in Singapore will help to lessen down smokers in Singapore eventually.

Friday, July 31, 2009

St Journal 3 (term3)

In section page 3
A Deadly Business

1a) What are the 2 worrying trends about drug trafficking mentioned in the article?

The first worrying trend is now not just adults or men anymore, now even teenagers and women are getting caught up in the dangerous trade. The another worrying trend is that mre Singaporeans are being arrested for drugs crime overseas.

1b) Why are Singaporeans increasingly being used as "drug mules"?

This is because Singaporeans do not need a visa for many places, and they are also less likely to be checked because of Singaporeans's reputation for being tough on drugs.

2) What will you do if you find out that one of your friends is selling drugs? How will you react if someone tries to sell you drugs?

I will advise them to quit the job of selling drugs as it a very risky job. If you are above 18 years old and get caught, you will be jail and will be cane. If they do not want to listen, I will try telling their parent, and maybe their parent can help them up. Another is I will ask a social councilors to help them up. I will reject them immediately and walk away. If they continue go pester me, I will report this to the police and let the police settle this matter themself. I do not want to get involed with all those thing and I do not want trouble.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

St Journal 2 (term3)

Article: "Her World's A Stage" - "Straits Times IN" Section (In Sync Pg 4)

Question One:
Do you consider yourself an artistic person?

I am not a artistic person. As i do not know how to appreciate the drawing that people draw. As for music side, I am still find with it as I can know what do the artist want to explain out in the song.

Question Two:
What are your opinions of the theatre scene in Singapore?

I never went to watch any plays which were written by Singaporean. So I do not have any thinking or opinions to say out. But I think it is quite ok. If it is bad, no one will go and watch and the theatre will be close by then.

Article: "Drink-and-eat MRT riders on the rise" - "Straits Times IN" Section (Reading Pg 10)

Question One: How do you feel about MRT commuters eating and drinking blatantly on the train?

It a very irresponsible way to do that. As i think, the rule is given and we should follow the rule. If they eat in the mrt, there will be a smell of it as the mrt is air-conditioner. This will affect the other passengers. If they spill or drop there water/food on the floor, the other passengers will be affected as they have lesser space to walk. The mrt cleaners also have a hard time if they drop their food on the floor. So I think, they have their own reason to have the rule, so we must follow the rule.

Friday, July 17, 2009

St Journal 1 (term3)

1a) Why is cheerleading an expensive sport?

Cheerleading is an expensive sport as the cheerleaders need to buy special costumes that are specially designed and it must fit the cheerleaders prefectly. They also need to buy insurance for their safety as it a quite dangerous sport. They also need to buy all the alot of make-up. They also imported pom-poms from other country if they want beautiful pom-poms. They need to invite different hairstylists from other country for different themes. The cheerleaders also need to invite trainers to train.

1b) What makes cheerleading such a tough sport?

They need alot of training to build up their teamwork. The cheerleaders need to train very hard to build up thier strength and stamina.

2)What if your opinion of cheerleaders? If given a chance, would you join cheerleading? Why/why not?

In my opinion, cheerleaders is a very tough sport. They need to try very hard to find a good sponser. They need train alot for teamwork, strength and stamina. I think for guys it a very gay sport. For girls, I think it a very tough sport for them. I think cheerleading also need to spend alot of money on make-ups and costume. If i have a chance to join cheerleading, I wont join. Because I am no flexible enough for me to do some professional moves. I think I should just stay in my own sport that i basketball.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

St Journal 10

Article: “I was an addict” – ‘Straits Times IN’ Section (In The Air Pg 2)

1a) What are some of the earliest signs mentioned in the article to indicate that a person is addicted to gaming?

The signs mentioned are skipping meals and going without sleep just to to play. Eventually, the temptation was to skip school and meals just so that they could spend all those percious hour gaming. They were calling by their avatar games. They will talk about game all the time and also begin to imagine things.

1b) State some of the methods listed by the author to overcome the addiction to gaming.

Some of the them method are they had to get their parent to lock up the computer. This take them three month to break the habit. Another method was to be more socialise more. Talking to thire friends in school about the hot guy who had just moved into my neighbour make a different.

2) What are some of your reactions after reading this article? If a close friend of yours confesses to you that he/she is addicted to online games, what would your advice to him/her be?

I would be shocked after reading the article as i felt there are more and more people got addicted to online games. I would tell them to stop use computer lesser if it is possible. I wiould ask them go out more to study and play if I am free. I would also tell them to join a cca so there will be lesser time for them to play computer. I would inform their parent about that. I will also adivse their parent to lock the computer with a password so they can limit their children form playing online games.

Friday, April 17, 2009

St Journal 9

Article: “Mum’s catching up with me … on Facebook”– ‘Home’ Section (Pg B2)

1) What were the reasons given by Facebook parent, Rashida Husian, when she requests access to the networking sites and also to what her children had put online?

Rashida Husian said that her main reason is really is to keep in touch with her children. The other reason is that she can leaves them words of encouragment when she feels they need some.

2) Do you think it is a good idea to accept requests by your parents to add them readily to your friends’ list on the Facebook? Why?

I think it a good idea to accept requests by your parents to add them readily to our friends' list on Facebook. The reason is some of the children do not know how to express their thoughts to their parent so they can express through Facebook. Parents also can keep track on what is their children doing. Parents also will not misunderstand them their children, because they will know what their children are doing by Facebook. In the other hand, if the child did not do anything wrong, why are they scare to accept their parent's Facebook request? So I think it a good idea to accept requests by our parents to add them readily to our friends' list on the Facebook.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

St journal 8

"Boring? 'Creators' aim to engineer a cool image" by Nur Dianah Suhaimi

Q1a. According to Mr Pang, what can schools do to make lessons like Physics and Mathematics more interesting to students and relevant to engineering as a carrer?

He suggests that before class, teachers and lectures make the lesson come alive by explaining how it is applied: " Show them what they like. Fast cars, animation, explosion. Students need to know how cool engineering can be."

Q1b. According to MP Ms Lee Bee Wah, what will happen to society if there are no engineers?

Ms Lee said it is crucial hat Sinagpore increase its pool of engineers. She said: "Without engineers, there would not be technological progress and advancements. Not only do we need to attract more students to study engineering, but we also need to attract the brightest ones. Otherwise, our society's progress will be done with."

Q2. Do you think that 'Creators' will succeed in their mission? Why? Why not? Explain giving your reasons.

I think that it would depend on how each school teaches Physics and Mathematics to their students. Like what Mr Pang said, students find Physics and Mathematics boring and they are even wondering what they doing in the lessons anyway. Maybe, by heading his advice, more students might start to like Physics and Mathematics and then slowly attracted to engineering as well. And well, engineering is a job that can let one earn big money next time, so using this point, people might consider it as one of their future job.

St Journal 7

Article: “Sorry guys, these lots are not for you” – ‘Home’ Section (Pg B1)

Question 1: What were some of the reasons cited in the article why there was a need to have parking lots for women only in these buildings?

It is less tiring for women, especially when they are in heels, to find a parking lot.Some women felt safer parking nearer to the entrance and men are fine with it as only a few lots have been taken up.The reserved lots are located nearer to the entrance, the bigger den the normal lots to help parent, especially those with young children, load and unload bulky prams more easily.

Question 2: (a) In your opinion, do you think it is necessary to allocate parkinglots for women only? Why?

Somehow, I think it is unnecessary to allocate those parking lots for women only.Men also went to the mall with children; thus, I don’t see why the parking lots should not only privilege the woman.The spokesman said car park should be made safer for women drivers. Apart from locating such lots closer to lift lobbies, there should be good lighting, clear visibility and closed-circuit television cameras in place to ensure the safety of female drivers.

(b) Which group of people do you then feel should be allocated such priority parking? Explain.In my opinion, family with children or elderly should be allocated to such priority parking. As it bring more convenient to family and also the elderly. It is easier for them to find a parking lot. They deserve such priority then anyone else.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

St Journal 6

Article: “Help for single mums in downturn” – ‘Main’ Section (Pg A4-5)

Question 1:
What project was launched to help single mums? Briefly explain what is this project about?

The project call 'We Care for U - U' forms the logo of the National Trades Union Congress and is meant to represent every worker.
It aims to reach out divorcees, widows and other single mothers who not only have a tougher time juggling work and family.

Question 2:
Imagine you come across a single mum who is unemployed, what are some advice you can give her? Who can she turn to?

I will advice her to find the NTUC's Women's Development Secretariat to find some jobs for them. If she could not go out to work to make use of other skills, like baking or sewing, to help themselves to generate an income. I will advice her not to worry about the matter. If the women i know is a people who are very lazy. I will tell her to go find a job. I will tell her, her children need to be feed by her because they are still small.

Friday, March 6, 2009

St Journal 5

Article: “NTU Death Fall” – ‘HOME’ Section (Pg B6)

Question 1:
What were some indications which showed that the victim was facing problems before he committed the rash act?

The victim, a fan of the computer game World of Warcraft, spending as much as six hours a day huddled in front of his computer. He usually stopped playing when prepaing for exams or when project were due. He also adruply cut down all communication with his friends. He seems to be be trying to avoid all his problems by playing games.

Question 2: (a) Is it very stressful being a student in Singapore? Explain.

I think it stressful being a student in Singapore. There alot of scholar from other country to come and study in Singapore. We need to get better grade to get the scholarship. There alot of homework given by teachers. The exam standard also is getting higher and higher. So we need to study very hard for the coming exam. Parent also are giving us alot of stress because they want us to get very good garde. The economics also demand a higher education for the work. So we have to sudy very hard to get the work. This all really causes our stress.

(b) What are some problems you face as a student which adds to your stress level?

There are some problems that student mayb face. We will quarrel with friends and that will cause some stress as we will not be friend again. We also will have some money problem as parent gave us too little money. We need money for our friends birthday and for our pens and stationary. This are some problem that causes our stress level.

Friday, February 27, 2009

St Journal 4

Article "All in a day's work for men in blue." - 'HOME' Section (Pg B4)

Question 1 - What are some reasons stated in the article why some members of the public call the police for?
- They called the police because there is a snake.
- Complaining about noisy neighbours.
- Calls related to pipe leakages.
- Call because of medical emergenices

Question 2(a) - Do you see the job of a policeman as something easy or tough? Why?

I see the job of a policemen that is something tough. They need to stay overnight if there is some urgent matter reported by the public. When ever the headquater call, they need to put down all the thing they are doing and rush back to the police station. They need to risk their life if the criminals are armed. They must have a clear mind when doing their patroling. If they do any mistake, they need to do a report to his sir/madam. So i think it tough job being a policeman.

(b) - Would you consider becoming a policeman or policewoman in future?Why yes or why not?

I will not consider becoming a policeman in future. Being a policeman, I need to be a very alert person but I am not the sort of person. Policeman must have alot of discipline matter that i also do not have. The job of policeman also cannot earn alot of money. Being a policeman, you must be ready anytime to rush back to police station because sometime there some emergency cases.

Friday, February 20, 2009

St Journal 3

Article: " Ink corporated"
Question 1 - What are some reasons stated in the article why some people choose to have body art like tattoos or piercings done on parts of their body?

- Some people wants to be different.
- They want to attract people attention.
- Some of them just want to follow the trend or maybe they are those type of person who are easily influence.

Question 2 - (a)What are some imppressions you would form of a person whose body is covered with tattoo?

I think I am not the only one I have this type of thinking. I will think that they are some gangster that are in secret society. I will think they have bad records. I will also avoid them when i see them because I do not want to get into trouble. If I am a boss of a company or a shop, I will not invte them as I do not trust them just because of their tattoos.

(b)Would you consider getting a tattoo in future? Why?

I will never consider to get a tattoo in future. People will look at me with a different impression as I am having a tattoo. I am not afraid no pain but will tattoo. When you want to have a proper job, it is also very difficult for you to find. As the company or shop boss will not trust you when he/she see your tattoo. So, I will never get a tattoo in future!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

St Journal 2

Article: “Sharp rise in girls under 16 having sex” – Home Section
Question 1 · What are some consequences which a girl might face for engaging in casual sex?

The consequences a girl might face are :
- The girl might get pregnant because they have sex.
- The girl might get Sexual Transmitted Diseases from the sex parthner she got.
- The girl is very difficult to get pregnant , if she went to do a abortion.
- She is also very difficult to find a good marriage.

Question 2:
What are some of your reactions after reading this article? If one day, a close friend of yours confess to you that he/she has been engaging in sex, what would your advice to him/her be?

I am shock after reading the article. If it is older woman that do that, i wont be surprised. But a under 16 girl is doing this and I am very shock about this article. If one day, a close friend of mine confess the he/she has been engaging in sex. I would tell he/she that they should stop very act, as this is illegal. the boy will be arrest by the police if the police find out. I will tell the girl, that if you continue doing this. You will get pregnant, if you go for abortion, you will have slimmer chance to get pregnant in the future. If they still do not listen, I have no choice but to reaveal it. i rather reaveal it than to do anything that is worng or illegal.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

St Journal 1

Article "Tuition Crazy"
Question 1: State any two reasons mentioned by students why extra tuition was necessary.

The two reasons mentioned is:
- The teacher in school go too fast during lessons, and he/she wasn't able to understand what they teach.
- The teacher in school were to busy to answer their question that they do not understand.

Question 2: Do you think it is necessary for you to have tuition? Why?

I think it is necessary. It is good to have tuition for those slow learner. Sometime we could not concentrate in class as the class in too noisy, or we are just to tired as we need to wake up early in the morning to come to school for lesson. We can also learn at our own pace with tuition because some school teacher are just too fast for us to catch up. Sometime we are absent from class, we can go to our tuiton teacher for help. But tuiton concern our parents! Because nowadays tuition fees are expensive.